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Research infrastructures and research facilities at HHU

HHU's research core facilities and technology platforms offer a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies that are necessary for carrying out demanding research projects. They enable scientists to use specialised equipment that often goes beyond the resources of individual institutes. In addition, they contribute to the standardisation of methods, which improves the comparability of research results.

HHU's research buildings offer an innovative environment designed for interdisciplinary collaboration. They are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure. The strategic location of these buildings promotes the exchange between different research groups and thus strengthens the scientific community at the university.

HHU's central scientific institutions play a key role in supporting and coordinating research activities across different faculties. They not only provide access to specialised resources and services, but also promote knowledge transfer and networking within the university and with external partners. 

The scientific institutions and centres of the faculties offer support for specific research needs. They provide access to expertise and resources that are tailored to the respective disciplines. In addition, they promote interdisciplinary exchange and contribute to the development of innovative solutions.
