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German Research Foundation

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is the largest and central research funding organisation in Germany. It funds:

  • research projects in any discipline
  • individual projects and research collaborations
  • research awards for outstanding achievements
  • academic infrastructure and networks
  • national and international collaboration between researchers

Overview of all DFG programmes

As of 01.01.2023, the DFG's guidelines for the use of the DFG Programmpauschale (DFG-PP) stipulate that the funded institutions must provide guidelines for the use of the DFG-PP. Therefore, the HHU Rectorate has issued a guideline for the use of the DFG-PP at HHU.

The DFG regularly organises info talks regarding their funding instruments for early career researchers.

Wondering which funding programme is right for you? Here is a comparison of funding programmes & tips for your application.

Scientists at HHU have successfully received funding from the DFG for numerous collaborative projects and individual projects.

Scientists at HHU have received numerous DFG awards.

Information for applicants

  • If you are applying for a DFG Individual Grant (e.g., an individual research grant), you can submit your application directly to the DFG without obtaining a signature from the university management.
  • Applications for programmes that provide funding for your position (Walter Benjamin Programme, Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators, Emmy Noether Programme) require an employer's declaration and, in some cases, additional statements.
  • As applications for Collaborative Research Centres and Research Training Groups require a signature from the University President, they must be approved by the Rectorate. This is the case across all faculties.
  • Applications for Research Units must be presented to the Rectorate. This is the case across all faculties.
  • Please inform DFG Liaison Officer Prof. Dr. Ute J. Bayen of your application by e-mail (sekretariat-bayen(at)hhu.de).
  • Information on the application procedure for the DFG Major Research Instrumentation funding programme (according to art. 91b GG) can ben found here.

If you have any questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us by telephone, email or in person. Please get in touch with us in good time if you are planning to prepare an application for one of the DFG's coordinated programmes.