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Third-party funding bonus for young researchers

The programme "Third-Party Funding Bonus for Young Researchers" is intended as an incentive for young researchers to apply for third-party funding. It is financed by the Strategic Research Fund (SFF) and applies to the non-medical faculties of HHU.

For each successfully acquired third-party-funded project of at least 100,000 € (single project, not cumulative), young scientists from non-medical faculties of HHU will receive a bonus of 5,000 € as freely available budget. The definition of destatis for third-party funding applies. For the purpose of this programme, young scientists are defined as scientists who have obtained their PhD not more than 6 years ago and who have not yet held a W1 professorship with tenure, a W2 or W3 professorship. The period is extended by 2 years for every child in analogy to §2 section 1 WissZeitVG. The date of the doctoral certificate and the date of the approval notice/date of contract are decisive for the calculation of the period.

The bonus must be applied for within three months of the establishment of the third-party account at HHU. The e-mail notification of the Department of External Funding and Project Coordination (D4.2) on the funding account number is decisive for this time.

The following procedure applies:

  • The application is submitted informally by e-mail (reply email to the above-mentioned e-mail notification) to the respective officer in the Department of External Funding and Project Coordination (D4.2).

The following documents must be attached:

  • A current curriculum vitae, stating, if applicable, the number of children.
  • A copy of the doctoral certificate.

If the above criteria are met, a budget of €5,000 is made available to the applicant on a separate account number.

Name Faculty Institute Project titel
Dr. Adrian Hoffmann Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Experimental Psychology Investigating the validity of surveys based on indirect questions
Dr. Jens Helfer-Fleischhauer Faculty of Arts and Humanities Institute for Language and Information Light verb constructions - families and composition
Dr. Kazuyoshi Kawasaka Faculty of Arts and Humanities Department of Modern Japanese Studies Sexual Diversity and Human Rights in 21st Century Japan: LGBTIQ Activisms and Resistance from a Transnational Perspective
Dr. Hannes M. Beyer Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institute of Synthetic Biology Freigeist-Fellowship: Light-assisted programming of synthetic organoid tissues
Dr. Johannes Krause Faculty of Arts and Humanities Department of Social Sciences, Sociology Responsible Academic Performance Prediction
Dr. Christopher Starke Faculty of Arts and Humanities Department of Social Sciences, Communication and Media Studies Responsible Academic Performance Prediction
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Martin Kliesch Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Quantum Technology Group Effizientes Auslesen von hybriden Quantencomputern (Verbundprojekt MANIQU)
Dr. Vicky Howe Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Lab for Developmental Genetics MSCA-IF CLAVHUB
Dr. Björn Burckhardt Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy Preclinical development of 3-hydroxypropaneamidine derivatives targeting Plasmodium falciparum
Dr. Manuel Miras Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institute for Molecular Physiology MSCA-IF PDgate
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Martin Kliesch Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Quantum Technology Group MIQRO: Charakterisierung, Benchmarking und exemplarische Anwendung neuer Quantenhardware
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marius Wehner Faculty of Business Administration and Economics Junior Professorship for Business Administration, esp. Corporate Management Fairnesserwartungen an Learning Analytics Systeme aus Sicht der Nutzer*innen (Verbundprojekt FairEnough)
Dr. Antonella Pomè Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Experimental Psychology, Research Team Perceptual Psychology MSCA-IF APPROVE