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The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

On 11 December 2018 the European Commission granted the 'HR Excellence in Research Award'  to the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf for which HHU applied in the context of the European initiative ‘Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)’. The HRS4R is based on the ‘European Charter for Researchers’ and the ‘Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers’ (Charter & Code). The documents constitute a framework which specifies the responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as their employers. This includes issues such as fair recruitment procedures, career development, equal opportunities, transnational mobility and research ethics as well as a set of general principles and requirements to be followed when recruiting and appointing researchers.

The principles of ‘Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R)’ form a further core element of HRS4R and consist of a number of requirements to be followed by employers when recruiting researchers. Most importantly, they have to ensure fair and transparent selection and appointment procedures following clear guidelines and regulations.

By implementing its own HRS4R, HHU shows its commitment to improve the working conditions for its researchers at all career levels and to make HHU more attractive for researchers from all around the world. Based on a gap analysis and action plan, which was evaluated by international experts in a peer review process, the HHU was granted the ‘HR Excellence in Research Award’ in December 2018, which recognises HHU’s commitment to ensure good working conditions as well as fair and transparent recruitment procedures.

In December 2020 HHU handed in its first interim assessment on the implementation of the actions as well as an adapted action plan. These were positively evaluated by external experts in spring 2021. The next evaluation is scheduled for 2024.

The project management for the entire HRS4R process at HHU is the responsibility of the Vice President for Research and Transfer at HHU.

Current measures at HHU

  • Strategic appointment planning, permanent position concept and "Düsseldorfer Weg" training programmes
  • Implementation of electronic application portals and international job advertisements
  • Targeted onboarding of international guest researchers
  • Bilingual information for all researchers
  • Participatory development of postdoc guidelines
  • Sustainability, health and diversity measures of the HCSD
  • Good Scientific Practice, Research Data Management and Data Protection are integrated into processes and regulations